My littlest, 'H' is so enjoying his food at the moment, he's coming up to 6 months soon and we've been 'weaning' of sorts for about a month.  I'm following BLW with 'H', so in principal it means that the little one helps helps himself to whatever I'm eating, and obviously some things are easier to eat (get hold of) than others.  Unlike 'O', he revolted at the first taste of ice cream, far too cold, but he does love a good sweet.  Please don't think I'm fattening him up on puds, he gets plenty of savoury too!  This crumble, far from original in idea, is incredibly tasty and proved very popular with the little man.
I'm very ad-hoc with crumbles, it takes very little time to prepare, 30mins in the oven (at 150'c) and serves two lots of two adults and two toddler/babies.

1 large bramley apple
small punnet of raspberries
juice of half a lemon
1tbs brown sugar
3tbs water

100g plain flour
50g butter (although again, I used olive spread)
50g sugar (I used 25g brown and 25g demerara for extra crunch)
20g oats
10g ground almonds (I had them to use up)

  • Peel, quarter and core the apple.  Cut each quarter into small bite-size pieces.
  • Put the apple, raspberries, lemon juice, brown sugar and water into an oven proof dish.
  • To make the crumble, put all ingredients into a bowl and rub together with fingertips until a rough dry crumb is formed.  It doesn't need to be uniform, all lumps and bumps add texture.
  • Spoon / pour the crumble mix over the filling.
  • Pop the crumble into the oven for about 30mins, or until the top is golden and the filling is bubbling though.

Serve with ice cream, brilliant!

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